Jan202021West Bar Join Island Vibes Kava Bar for nights filled with singing–some good, some bad–but either way there is no judgement, only a good time. Choose your favorite songs and get your singing voice ready to leave the shower and have a shell. Category: West BarBy islandvibeskavaJanuary 20, 2021Tags: KavaShell.Vibe.Repeat. Author: islandvibeskava https://islandvibesbar.com Post navigationPreviousPrevious post:Dave Branda’s Surprised FaceNextNext post:Open Mic Night – March 2021Related PostsKava Prom: Spring FormalMay 4, 2022Live Music NightApril 5, 2022Valentine’s DayFebruary 22, 2022Open Mic 2022February 21, 2022New Years Eve PartyJanuary 2, 2022A Very Merry GrinchmasDecember 18, 2021